alright, my friends face-book profile was hacked, and everything in it was changed to a homophobic reference (college major: changed from 'engineering' to 'cock-sucking', fav. music: changed from 'Metallica and AC/DC' to 'Clay Aiken and N'sync'... etc...) and blunt reference's were thrown all over (they created an event "I'm finnally coming out", changed his profile picture to an all male orgy, etc...)
I am trying to think of the best response to the hacker to post on my friends wall (my friend isn't gay, but i am).... i want to call him out for having no life, being immatture, and being overly homophobic and having to resort to gay-bashings to feel good about himself
what should i say?
Help with a response to gay basher / hacked facebook profile.... read to understand?
Just say, "Thank you for the insight on exactly how many people the educational system has failed. I appreciate the effort it took you to form sentences and spell words. If only the rest of the world could be as smart as you...we would inhabit Mars next year. It is always delightful to see how far one's ignorance can take them and I do believe you deserve an award for yours. Thank you for letting us know that there is a degree in %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;sucking. That will help a lot of brainless peons get into college. And the new music was ok for your "type" but we will just change that back. Oh and thanks for the picture of you and your friends naked wrestling match. It looked like you were having a super fun time." The best response is kill'em with kindness. Don't defend yourself with intellect...they will miss it. Oh. if they pull the Christian thing on you. I am a Christian and although we may differ in beliefs we agree that hatred breeds more hatred.
Reply:Say nothing, just report him to the TOS of Facebook and have him removed/banned.
Reply:I agree with lucylou, I would probably copy paste it.
Killem' with kindness, and educate at the same time (though as already posted, they may miss it)
Reply:Reporting him is probably the best thing. Getting even - while fun - usually doesn't accomplish much. Or you could photoshop a picture of him in some compromising or embarrassing situation and email it to his friends :P OOPS Did I say that???
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