I'm going off to college next year, and on Facebook I've met this guy who's going to the same college. We started chatting and we found out that we have a lot in common with each other, and all of our conversations haven't been less than 3 hours. Some of our conversations deal with relationships, and he says that he wants to be in a relationship rather than be single. He also says that he could possibly see me as his girl. Should I go for it? Or should I just tell him no...?
Should I really continue with this relationship?
Take a chance, but remember you are still young and have your whole life ahead of you...and college is suppose to be were you explore all your options.
Reply:boys will tell the same thing to every girl... u should take your own time... think well..first you tell him no... after few days if he did not change tell him yes
Reply:You should probably meet him and get to know him in real life before you make any decisions about the guy.
Reply:U should go for it
Reply:Until you meet him in person and are able to verify that everything he has told you so far has been the truth, you know nothing about him. He could be a 50-yo stalker. Be careful.
Reply:if you like him just say yes...dont leak out..be honest...
Reply:The first thing that would turn me off this guy is that he would rather be in a relationship that be single.
He should be able to do both happily.
Be careful, you could end up with somebody who just wants to have somebody there. But theres a difference between wanting somebody there, and wanting you there.
Reply:you should go for it as long as it doesn't interfere with your school or anything and of course if you really dig the guy
Reply:go fo it just be cautious.
Reply:First off online dating is not smart, believe me.
Being online can mean he is fake. If you want, meet up on campus later on and talk. But don't already have this relationship already planned out. Get to know the guy in life and see if you two can mesh as well in life as you can on the phone or online. Remeber there are creepy people online. They may act like anyone else, but can be emotional disturbed. Again, believe me. It happens. Make sure if you meet, it's public. I'm just telling you that while some guys are the best, not all are great.
College is a time where you can explore yourself and see your future. Don't bind yourself to a guy you haven't me face to face before. Not smart girl.
Reply:The fact that you need to ask here tells me NO!
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