Thursday, August 19, 2010

Does he like me?

We went to the same high school, and I heard rumors that he liked me. He is three years older than me. He used to work at Subway and told my brother one day that he used to hang out with me on debate trips. My brother told me that he said it in a weird way. When I got to college, I got a facebook and he found me and added me as a friend. Every so often, he comments on a picture, note, or status. I've noticed that he doesn't do that with other people. He has over 500 friends on Facebook, but only comments on my stuff. I don't think it could just be that it popped up in his mini-feed because of the sheer number of friends he has. We go to separate colleges, so I don't have any face-to-face contact.

Does he like me?
Yes, I know this list is long, but it's helped me out a lot. Perhaps it will help you.

He likes you…

1. If he tries means and ways to talk to you or stay close to you

2. If he is usually outgoing then suddenly becomes quiet or conservative around you

3. If he tries to keep you from leaving or leaves only after you leave

4. If he goes the same direction as you when he usually goes the other way

5. If he sometimes he bullies you

6. If he’s the one that usually initiates conversation

7. If he smiles whenever he sees you

8. If he does his best to make you comfortable

9. If he acts differently around you than other people

10. If he admires what you do even when it doesn’t deserve to be admired

11. If he looks into your eyes when you’re in conversation

12. If he enjoys making you laugh (you can see it in his eyes)

13. If he makes eye contact, not just eye to eye; it could be any part of your body

14. If he smiles during conversation

15. If he asks or does whatever you want to do

16. If he looks out for you

17. If he compliments you

18. If you’ve been sick or when he heard you’re been sick, he really cares about how you feel and tells you to get better fast

19. If he goes out of his way for you

20. If he shows off in front of you

21. If he remembers little things you’ve said in conversation

22. If his “hey” to you is somehow different than it is to others

23. If he watches your lips

24. If his behavior somehow changes around you

25. If he does time consuming and difficult things for you without complaint

26. If he lets you know it’s never too late to talk

27. If he tries to get into your friends’ good graces

28. If he never seems to like any guy you like

29. If he shows his vulnerable side

30. If he spends a lot of time with you (more than he would someone else)

31. If he smiles a lot when you’re around him (smiling is so important!)

32. If he stares and then turns away when you catch him

33. If he blushes (dead giveaway)

34. If you’re in a group and he’s next to you or talks with you more than others

35. If he teases you and makes you laugh

36. If he smiles when you walk into the room

37. If his friends tease him when you’re around

38. If he says yes to you all the time

39. If you call his name and his head snaps around

40. If he calls just to see how you’re doing

41. If he’ll do anything you ask/want him to do

42. If he makes a point to notice what you like, what you do, and what you’re all about

43. If he seemingly shows up for no reason

44. If he talks with you all the time

45. If he faces you when you talk

46. If he moves closer to you

47. If his feet are pointed towards you

48. If his pupils get bigger when he sees you (this is hard to tell and it may look funny if you stare into his eyes to find out)

49. If he apologizes for needless things

And finally…


Have a great day! I wish you the best of luck!

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