Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is everyone's opinion (esp. Law enforcement) of concealed carry on college campuses? Here is the main group supporting it.

What is everyone's opinion (esp. Law enforcement) of concealed carry on college campuses?
All for it. Not just on college campuses, but everywhere. It is SUPPOSED to be our constitutional right. What idiot is going to shoot up a college campus (like VT) where everyone there is armed? And, if he is delusional enough to try it, he won't last very long; will he?
Reply:I have a conceal carry in VA. I have not forgot Va Tech, or Columbine. I feel that people should be able to carry concealed weapons where legal. Both lobbying sides of this issue will throw facts at you that contradict each other. I know I have trained with my firearm and if needed I will use it. I am a businessman, a father of 4, and live in a small city. I do not always carry but will at certain times of the day or when I go to certain areas. I do have friends that carry all the time who I would trust with my life. I have no problem with carrying on campus as long as it is within laws of that state.
Reply:Just think of all the lives that could have been saved if even one person could have returned fire, forcing the gunman to duck for his own cover at the very least.
Reply:If you are licensed by the state to carry a weapon then I think you should be able to do so. If, however, the school or business does not allow weapons then you should not. Remember, the owner of the property is within their rights not to allow weapons.
Reply:I'm in favor of anyone and everyone carrying whatever way they please.
Reply:i think it's crazy!

does everyone forget columbine and virginia tech already.

yes we have a constitutional right to carry a firearm, but not on a college campus.

if something bad happens after this law is passed, maybe then we will all go back to square one and the brady bill.
Reply:If you can legally carry a firearm, you ought to be able to carry it anywhere, with very, very few exceptions. We have eighteen year olds deployed to the middle east carrying a M4 defending America, but after coming home can't carry a firearm to defend themselves, because they are going to school.

The one big point raised time and time again, How will the Police know who the good guys are? The sad truth, the shooting most likely will be over by the time the police get there.
Reply:Well my fiance got his CPL in Michigan. and its common sense not to carry a wepon where children are at. Where there are more than 2500 people. Those are the laws. and they are there for a reason.

when you have gone through the classes needed for your CPL, and you have passed the background check. then i see no reason why you should not be able to carry a concealed weapon. Me personally i dont have one yet. but i do plan on getting my CPL, but since i have not been around guns my whole life, and not familar with them, I want to make sure that i take as many saftey classes as i can. I have gone to the shooting range, and right now im either missing the target, or hitting it square in the forehead. the whole puropse of a CPL is to protect yourself, and your family. I want to make sure i can do that, for my family.

but if you do get one, you have to make sure you follow the laws in your state. and if you travel, you must make sure you follow the laws of the states you travel into.

you have to be responsible! and maybe just maybe if one person at those schools had a gun...maybe just maybe things wouldnt of happened the way they did.
Reply:I believe that if someone has met the requirements (which involves many hours of shooting time and a training course) to have a concealed carry permit, there should be NO reason why they would be prohibited from carrying the weapon on campus.

Anybody looking to do an easy school shooting sure might be deterred from coming into a lecture hall guns ablazing if they know they might get some guns ablazing right back at them.

Guns don't cause crime, they prevent it.
Reply:You wanted my opinion so I'm not going to bother reading that link.

I believe that law abiding citizens should be allowed to carry nationwide. However, they should be required to pass very intense and strict classes to ensure that they know when they are authorized to use deadly force.
Reply:For defensive matters; I don't think anyone should be allowed to carry a firearm on any school property when considering the alternatives to defend yourself. 1. put 911 on speed dial. 2. carry a stun gun. 3. carry a pocket knife and scream loud. 4. learn hand-to-hand combat (study Sho-ryn-ru). Guns are not the only weapons on earth used to defend ourselves. Buy a tazer.

dental hygenist

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