I'll get straight to the point. Basically, I have written for my high school newspaper for three years, and have received much praise for my articles. I have also been looking for a part time job to earn some extra money before I go off to college. I saw an ad on Facebook for this site called Suite101.com which pays people for articles (if they get published), and I thought that it would be a nice gig for me.
The way I see it is why work at a place like Popeye's chicken when I can get paid writing about the things I love in the comfort of my own home? Does anyone have any info on these so called sites or any suggestions/advice about my consideration for pursuing a freelance writing job for this website at my age (since it seems like most freelance writers these days are older)?
18 year old high school senior freelance writing for a website?
Here's some tips on how to find freelance jobs.
Reply:I'm a professional copywriter and I can tell you flat out that writing from home is nowhere near as simple doing it in the "comfort of your [my] own home." I spend hours writing but then I also spend time worrying about being distracted, personal obligations, errands, etc. It's not easy.
These sites that offer to pay are a joke. Any writer worth their salt will not only write for reputable sites, they will also not accept what these sites claim to offer. So many only offer $5-25 per article. That is an insult to professional writers who have earned their credibility and have the strong portfolio to allow them to command more. I earn $15 an hour off my work and although it isn't much, with the economy being what it is, I'm willing to charge cheaply.
Build up a portfolio of your work and consider going to local newspapers and speaking to the editors. You may have a chance of getting freelance work reporting general beat stories or covering special events. It's not glamorous or wonderful, but it will get your foot in the door.
Good luck!
Reply:Not sure about the website, but go to a bookstore and buy a few "writers magazines". Last time I checked, there are several freelance jobs listed in these magazine. Good Luck!!!
dental school
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