Thursday, August 19, 2010

What is the best way to discipline yourself for homework in college?

I have problems with surfing the net myspace, facebook, etc. But I still have problems writing my papers etc. Like right now I'm on . . yahoo answers instead of writing. . Lol. . . wait, I am writing aren't I. . *laughs*

What is the best way to discipline yourself for homework in college?
I struggled through college only to be diagnosed with ADHD as an adult. Here are some things that helped me get my bachelors and masters degrees. Force yourself to begin, then work in short bursts, taking breaks when you need them. When writing essays, get all the ideas down before you leave the screen, even if it means just typing out half-formed thoughts. Keep paper and a pen (or a whiteboad and markers?) handy in case you want to scribble ideas elsewhere. This allows you to continue your desire to focus on multiple things while actually being productive. When you get back to the essay, you don't have to start cold all over again-you'll actually have ideas to roll with.

You sound just like me. The thing that helped me more than anything is that I loved to write. Treat it like an artform and try to perfect your style. Also, if you're going to take that many breaks, you're going to need more work sessions than others. Don't work at it for 10 minutes 3 times and think you've done a ton of work for the night--a 1/2 hour of homework is microscopic. You may need 5 sessions of 10 minutes with 4 breaks for facebook over 3 hours, while others might get the same work done in an hour or so.
Reply:stop procrastinating and start doing work. Set up a schedule and dont fool around to much. Try to do studying or other activities and limit yourself to one hour of facebook/myspace per day.
Reply:Stick a firewall on these sites. Or delete your accounts. Easiest way to not be tempted by them.

Set up a schedule for studying and homework time with built in breaks. Stick to the schedule and you should get more stuff done.

Tell your parents, roommates, friends, etc when you have a paper or something due and have them check up on you when you're supposed to be working. Just don't get distracted by them too.
Reply:Write in big and bold letters on your monitor.

"I am not a jackass, I'll do my homework first"

I just about failed last year because I had the same problem. I do my homework early now. I'm only on here because I don't have any work to do :P

Unless you want to learn the hard way, which is to fail a course or two (and thus risk getting kicked outta school), just tell yourself that the schoolwork comes first. Until you have that much self-control, you probably won't get anywhere, I assure you. It's up to you to encourage yourself :)

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