Recently I have finished a website and I would like to have it advertised in different locations mainly facebook or myspace directed towards college students, but I do not have enough money to pay those companies, which is a couple thousand dollars. I have various ad banners within my website and I would like to see how I could possibly obtain a sponsorship to pay for the cost of my advertising and I would use the sponsors ads in about 80% of my ad rotations. Thank you.
How can I have a company sponsor my website?
Great question! I would say you'd need to provide some form of incentive for someone to pay to be on your new website. What are your daily stats on visitors? How are you planning to draw more customers to your website so that my banner is seen for a hight ROI (return on investment)? And what sorta website is it?
These are a few questions. You can draw in sponsorship from your target market by networking on myspace. You can find people who will be of interest. I've obtain some great alliances in a short time on myspace. Check me out at
Hope you have found some value in what I've shared.
C.F. Jackson
Won't Be Denied! Because What YOU Want MATTERS
Reply:When you will recieve a great answer, please email me, i have also this Q.
But first try to submit for free your site at free submit sites %26amp; free classifieds.
Reply:what is your website address?
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