Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why are some of the people you went to high school with so arrogant to deny your friend request on facebook?

Why would you deny someone a friendship if you knew they went to high school or college or anywhere else with you?

Do you agree that our society has become a snobbish and arrogant one?

Why are some of the people you went to high school with so arrogant to deny your friend request on facebook?
I don't think you should necessarily interpret the rejection as arrogance. Maybe they weren't that close to you in high school and only want to have friends on facebook that they know well. I wouldn't want hundreds of people I know now to have access to my facebook in a few years :/
Reply:I didn't like most of the people I went to high school with, which is why I've never been to a reunion. Just because you were in the same place at the same time as someone else doesn't mean you were friends then or friends now. It has nothing to do with society or it becoming a snobbish and arrogant one. It means you need to move on and find someone who wants to be your friend.
Reply:You wouldn’t be that ‘guy I used to date sometimes’ (don’t kid yourself that you were every my boyfriend) whose friend request I denied last week, are you?

Seriously though, for some people friends lists are about looking as popular as possible, but for people like me, they’re a way to keep in touch with people I actually want to talk to. If I don’t want to talk to someone, I don’t add them as a friend. I don’t think that’s snobbish at all.

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