Sunday, August 22, 2010

There's this girl...?

that I went to high school with. I graduated a year ahead of her. She's a senior this year and I'm a college freshman. Well, I got a facebook the other day and I went to look at her page and it appears like she went to prom with this guy that looks like he's in his mid twenties to early thirties. She's like 18! What should I think judging strictly by her pictures on facebook. There's not any of them kissing or anything but there are some of them dancing together (but this girl really likes to dance and she takes it very seriously). Oh yeah, did I mention I like this girl? you probly already figured that out. What do you think is goin on with her? Btw, her facebook says she is "in a relationship".

There's this girl...?
the only thing you can do is try and express your concern as a friend (so she doesnt feel attacked) (maybe she took a friend, or he looks older then u think he is) and once you clarify that...try letting her know how you feel...because if you dont show her or tell her, she'll never ever know. I put great trust in facebook for reconnecting turned out well for keep your head high and good luck!
Reply:maybe she went with a friend but if she has pictures of both of them and says relationship she may be dating him.....
Reply:prove to her that you are a bucket load better then this other old man.

try not to say anything about the old man, just say "you looked really beautiful in the facebook, you blew my mind when i saw you in that dress"

she'll be alll yours.

good luck man, i hope she see's you for who you are and can appreciate you

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