Tuesday, August 17, 2010

For highschool and college students...?

im in high school and dont drink. i just dont ever want to. i was on facebook and noticing the very large number of other kids in my school who either drink or have a bad drinking problem. im talking about rehab worthy. i obviously knew this before, im not naive and have been to partys but i was just thinking how serious this is, not to mention annoying. i was just wondering if any of you had an opinion on this. especially those who like me, dont drink because they genuinly dont want to/ feel it would be easier if you just did drink.

random thoughts i felt like posting.

any opinions would be welcomed really!

For highschool and college students...?
i'm a freshman and everyday i hear something about drugs or sex or drinking...and i don't understand one thing...WHERES THE PARENTS?! and teachers hear this too.but mostly the ppl in specail end or connected w/ those ppl r into drinking, drugs, gangs, sex etc. jsut have to watch out and see who ur friends r...
Reply:I am almost 16, I have no desire to drink either.

The people in my school drink a lot, it bugs me. I can smell the alcohol on them. I think we need more education in our school system about underaged drinking, we talk about smoking a drugs, but not drinking... hmmmm

primary teeth

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