Sunday, July 11, 2010

Do adults who are over 40 years old feel comfortable joining Facebook?

I read this article on CNN today:

It always seemed to me that if I joined Facebook or MySpace that I would be "crashing the party" since they seem designed for the college crowd and the under 30 crowd.

I joined an online community called Seniorocity, which is geared to adults who are over 40, as well as baby boomers and seniors. I feel welcome there []

That being said, are any of you members of Facebook or MySpace?

Do adults who are over 40 years old feel comfortable joining Facebook?
I had a myspace account. Didn't like it. MY sister loves hers. I have a facebook. I forget to look at it. I have had much more fun on this. I have a seniorocity I also forget to get on it. I have met some really neat people on this and seniorocithy.
Reply:Actually I did create a couple of profiles on MySpace to help some kids out at a center where I volunteer; and, along the way, I met plenty of people over forty on MySpace which is IMO the new AOL - a place for people who don't know exactly what they are doing online.

As for FaceBook, had a look at it out of curiosity; but, since none of my community center kids seem to be interested in it, I see no reason to bother.

My browser, FireFox, also says your Senior City link does not exist; but, I don't need a "networking site." Regular e-mail and the e-mail lists I have been participating in for years works fine with me.

I certainly don't see asking someone to join a network in order to send me a message. Those I want to hear from, know my e-mail address, they can e-mail me any time they wish without joining anything.
Reply:I am a 66 year old grandmother with a "myspace". My grandchildren talked me into it even though they know I spy on them, ha. Most of them do not live close and this is a great way to keep in touch and to see the pictures they post. I must admit though, somethimes I find out more than I want to know. But I am very proud when I see myself on their "top friends" list!
Reply:I think we all want to spend time with people we are comfortable with and share common experiences. I'm 48, and I don't have much in common with a 20 year old. Now, when I was 20 something I had a lot in common with other 20 somethings. Running into the tail end of my existence, I now find I have more in common with folks 50 up. It's just a change that occurs and that's why Seniorocity is such a great place to be. The folks are great, we have a lot in common, and we can share relevant experiences.

Hey, it's my 2 cents.
Reply:I'm in the over 40 crowd and I don't think I'm quite ready for "senior"city just yet. LOL

My daughters best friend set up a myspace for me. They're both 17. Next thing I know, all their friends added me. I get messages, but honestly, I don't really check it much. Sometimes it's just TMI!!!

A lot of her friends used to come over to our house and unleash with problems, and want advice, because they think I'm the "cool" mom. Now they think they can just do it on myspace.

I do what I can, but I don't think I'm crashing anything. I was asked to do this.
Reply:GUILTY!! (I'm 43)
Reply:I have a memebership on both of those. i am 44.
Reply:No I don't have any interest in doing MySpace. I looked up your link on Senioorocity and it said it does not exist.
Reply:I am an adult who is way past 40 and almost to 60. I'm on Facebook and Myspace because of my young relatives. The college age nephews "invited" me to Facebook. They like to communicate that way and I get to see their pictures of them and their friends. I also found that many celebrities have a Myspace page. I've got Kirk Douglas, the actor and author, as a friend now. His page and blogs are very interesting and the man is about 95 years old. Who says we are too old for Myspace anyway. I can do it if Mr. Douglas can do it.
Reply:I know you didn't ask...but I am 22 and I think it would be really weird if my parents joined myspace or facebook. I was a little less than horrified when I found out they were looking at my myspace page. Not because I cared what information they saw, I don't. It's like...'who told you about that?!?'

It's like that creepy, old guy in the club who you don't want to get to close to because he may try to do the cabbage patch.

Then again, there could be a cool old, creepy 40 yr old who KNOWS he's creepy and old and buys drinks for everyone in hopes that he will be accepted/appreciated. Either way, it's odd.

You don't see me going to bingo or Girl Scout you?
Reply:I don't know how to use Facebook, I don't have time for it, and from the little I know about it I can't see why I should join it. When I want to be with friends, I want them live.

That's not to say that I don't waste a lot of time on sites like Yahoo answers!

I read somewhere that more older people are joining Facebook. But I'm glad to hear there's a special site just for us seniors.
Reply:i think if you are divorced and looking for a mate there is no problemm. i dont think married people have any business on it unless it is a joint account witht the spouse.
Reply:I have a facebook account but I limit it to my friends and family. My god daughter is on there with her many friends and they think her Aunty Squeak is a hoot.
Reply:I am 40 yrs old. I have a myspace acct. But! My myspace acct was set up so my teenage kids could find me. Their mother took them away shortly after they were born and I couldn't find them. IT WORKED. My daughter found me. She's 16 now. I haven't heard of facebook. But am very happy with myspace.
Reply:after viewing my sons facebook, and myspace accounts, i cant imagine how anyone over 20 would join, i would definately feel age inappropriate, and a little undignified, its definately young peoples territory.
Reply:Not on Facebook; but my husband and I have a My Space page....there are several musicians we stay in contact with via My Space.

Our daughters cracked up when they first found our page (they are 25 and 20 years old). We don't use it that much, but we have gotten several hits from people ranging in age from 25 to 60 years old.
Reply:FACEBOOK is BORING. I prefer MYSPACE. I've found a cousin I haven't seen since 1969, a little girl I used to take care of on weekends 8 years ago (she's a knock out at 16), an old shipmate, 2 class mates I haven't seen since 1965, some 'kids' I've had in my Sunday School class. They were excited that I remembered them, since they've moved away.

One of the kids I had 2 years ago saw a picture of my grand daughter and I on my MYSPACE. She emailed me and asked why I didn't have one of her and me. So, last Sunday, I had a picture of her and I taken and posted it. She thought that was great...her old Sunday school teacher and her.
Reply:I was on MySpace at one time, but found it to be real boring. So cancelled out ot there. Lot of mindless chatter, lot of superficial nonsense. Lot of look at me, here I am, aren't I great attitudes. Please, get over yourselfs.
Reply:My nieces and nephews set me up on facebook so we could keep in touch. I've found a bunch of old friends (pun intended). I'll be 50 in a few weeks.
Reply:Personally I think both are terrible and should be shut down permanently, but that is my opinion....
Reply:I'm 40 and I joined myspace to communicate with my cousin in another state. I have it set to friends and family only so I have to give people access before they can see my profile. I use Myspace predominantly to communicate with (real) friends and family but I do like the videos on there - you never know what you will run across. I do not communicate with people I don't know personally. As for facebook, that's mostly for college-age kids so I don't get on there. However, if I had a child who was on either one, I would be on both and I would check out their pages occasionally - sorry, I'm a mom and it's my job. As for people like "somelike..." above, a good rule of thumb is this - if you have something that's so personal that you don't want people seeing it, don't put it on Myspace. I'm so glad that no pictures of my drinking and puking (and more) survived my wild youth. My daughter would be so ashamed of me. I wonder how much of this information and these pictures will come back to haunt people later.

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