When I started college last year I created a Facebook profile so I could connect and I have about 120 friends right now.
Most of these 120 friends I know directly and I have a tendency to only request people I know personally.
But every once in a while I'll get a request from someone (almost always a girl) at my school that I don't know. I don't have the heart to deny them since we at least have one thing in common (we go to the same school). But can someone tell me why these people add me knowing that they'll probably never know or see me in the "real world"?
Why do I get friend requests from girls I don't know?
well, you're probably attractive and have a nice picture so when girls are looking to add random friends, they'll add you because they hope you'll look at their picture and want to meet up with them...
Reply:quit complaining and meet up with them.
Reply:haha that happens to me to like random people i dunno y they probably dot have alot of friends. they think its like hi5 where u add random people but facebook is for peple that u no.
Reply:Stop fishing for compliments, you're prolly sexy!!
Reply:Sounds like you're doing just fine Stud Muffin. You ought to be happy because of the complement that someone wants to befriend you. Why deny them until you find out more about them? Just use your gut feeling and wisdom about people and you should be able to separate the good ones from the bad ones. In other words, choose your friends carefully.
You'll run into some kooks out there, but you'll also run into some very nice people who will deserve your friendship.
Reply:It's your page and your choice. If you think there's potential, then accept the request. Go with what you're comfortable with, though.
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